Flexible Spiritual Learning for your Lifestyle

Self-Paced Learning Courses

  • Somatic Stacking

    Learn how to create your very own healing routine with body focused practices that strengthen the mind-body connection.

  • Lunar Manifestation

    Learn to harness the moon’s energy to bring your manifestations to new heights!

In-Person Classes & Events

  • Intuitive Oracle Card Reading Class

    Learn to go beyond the guidebook and tap into your intuition and higher-self knowledge for deeper meaning and clarity in your readings!

  • Pendulum Reading Class

    Learn what a Pendulum is, how it works, and how to make it work for you!

  • Psychic Protection Class

    Learn to guard against unwanted energies, and protect yourself from psychic attack, ground and cleanse yourself, and more!

Virtual Workshops

  • Somatics and Emotional Release Workshop

    Learn to heal and move your own energy and stuck emotions

    Get an intro to breath work, visualization, affirmations, somatic movement, mindfulness, and more!

    Learn which methods work best for your body and mind, and create a personalized routine with the help of an experienced guide

  • Intro to Pendulum Workshop

    Learn to make and use a Pendulum and Pendulum board

    Learn about the science behind WHY pendulums work

    Experiment with different methods, questions, and uses

    Get hands on practice with an experienced teacher, right from your own home!

  • Psychic Protection Workshop

    Learn to guard against unwanted energies with techniques for grounding, centering, shielding and how to set psychic boundaries

    Learn alongside other energy sensitives and build community

    Beginner level psychic defense coaching for empaths and those sensitive to energy!