Personal Expansion

There's been a lot of times in my life where I felt like I was holding myself back. I think this is common for a lot of folks, but that doesn't better prepare us for how to get out of that rut. Self-limiting behaviors are some of the most common obstacles people face, that’s why I think it's important to try to get to the bottom of where they come from. For many, self-limiting behaviors come from the words of others that have imprinted themselves on our minds; our parents’ doubt slowly becomes our own.

I urge you to ask yourself where does myself limiting come from? Is this my voice I hear in my head, or is this the voice of someone else's doubt? This simple practice opens the door to personal expansion and allows us to truly weigh our own potential. This is a path that I've been on myself, quite recently. It is a hard path, and a long one, that you don't travel just once. This is the kind of practice that takes years and constant effort. However if you're willing to put in that effort the rewards are unlimited. Truly being able to see your own potential, and actually harness your energy to do the things that you want to do, without the fear of failure, without the weight of someone else's doubt can be so empowering. I have met so many clients, friends, and family who suffer from self-limiting because they hear someone else's voice in their head.

To those people I say two things, first I say I am sorry. It's not fair that you've had to carry the weight of disapproval. The second thing is Can you let that go?


Hierarchy of Needs


The Power of Self-Reflection: A Path to Self-Awareness